Rewrite The Stars

Rewrite The Stars

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

I hope all of you are enjoying your respective holidays. Other than dealing with a sick puppy at the moment, I really can't complain much about mine. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you know I've been keeping myself rather busy over the last few weeks. And it's not going to slow down until after we officially ring in 2018.

Over the last few days, I've had time to reflect on this past year, and I have to say that as grateful as I am for moments like rescuing Gus-Gus, 2017 really kicked my ass. There was hurt and loss along the way, and I even feel like a part of me died in these last twelve months. I had hopes and dreams going into 2017 that were destroyed, leaving me to wonder what the new year has in store.

We all have seen or heard about people going for their dreams, whether it be a specific job or role, getting into a certain school, or marrying their great love and living happily ever after. I mean, think about how many movies and television shows revolve around the concept of going for your dreams. Some of us live for that kind of stuff, myself included. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a person's dreams come true, no matter who they may be. It's as if all is right in the world at that moment, and you can't help but smile.

But what happens when a person's dreams are completely torn apart? What if you don't get the job or role, or the school rejects you, or your great love breaks your heart? What does one do then? Well, between setbacks in my Thyroid treatment, the end of a two-year relationship and cutting ties with someone I once considered my best friend, 2017 left me wondering just that. I went into it thinking life was going in one direction and then slowly realized how wrong I truly was. I’m not going to lie, this realization really sucked.

So here we are, on the brink of 2018, and I'm at a crossroads, trying to figure out how to move forward.

I guess the easy thing to do would be to just play the victim in life, and give up. Plenty of people look at the proverbial "champagne glass" as half empty all their lives, and manage to function. Hell, I've known or dated a few of them. It's one way to get through life, I suppose, and it is really tempting to wallow in self-pity. So why not just say to hell with everything and everyone?

But as easy at it would be to be bitter, you have to remember that life will get you down at times. Just as things sometimes turn to crap, they can turn around just as quickly. Life is supposed to be lived, but you have to be an active participant. It all depends on what you choose to contribute. So when your dreams turn to dust, and you're left holding those broken pieces, you can either walk away, or you can regroup, refocus and build new dreams.

And that's exactly what I choose to do. As difficult as the road can be, it's time for me to turn the page and start a new chapter in life. One where the sky's the limit, and anything is possible.

It's a new year after all. A time for new beginnings and starting fresh. Will everything go my way? Probably not, but sometimes things don’t turn out the way you planned. They end up being exactly what you needed in the end, and life is worth that risk. And the thing about opening yourself up to the world is you open the door to new people and possibilities. I am definitely open to, and ready for whatever 2018 has in store for me.

With that said, I'm not big on making resolutions because I feel they set people up for failure, disappointment and self loathing if they are not followed through. However, I will say that there will be major changes in this Baztard's life within the next twelve months. Stay tuned, because you never know with me. I may even surprise a few of you.

So, on behalf of my boys and myself, we wish all of you a very Happy New Year. May 2018 bring all your dreams to life!!!!